Friday, September 26, 2008


Elder Spencer Ryan Brady has been called to serve in the Mexico, Mexico City West Mission. He will report to the MTC in Provo on January 21, 2009.


Schumanns said...

Looking good!!! You should fit right in. Congratulations!!

The Nannie Family said...

That is so cool. Thanks for the call. We are so happy that you are choosing to go on a mission.

Vallente said...

Go Spencer! Hope that hat is mission approved because it's sweet! :) So happy for you! Enjoy all the prep now! Congrats! Heaps of love!

Melissa said...

Aye Aye Aye! Congratulations! Mexico is one lucky country!
Love ya,
The MNBradys :-)

Chris and Emily said...

very cool. you are gonna love the mexican people. they will take good care of you and you will find that they are very humble.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

That is great news! Congratulations and thanks for calling to let us know!

We are proud of you and think you will be a great missionary!

Aunt Susan, Uncle Mike, Eric, and Hannah

Cierra said...

felicidades spencer!!!

estoy muy pero muy feliz que vas a ir a la cuidad de mexico! es un lugar muy grande y ocupado...vas a ensenar muchas personas. come muchas tortas y mangos para mi. :)

in a few months you will know what all that means. or just ask anyone in your family...i wish you reported to Mexico City a little sooner because Alfredo and I will be in Guadalajara (5 hours away) until Jan. 6th.
